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Design for Manufacture and Assembly

Improving productivity in construction requires shifting away from traditional design delivery. Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) improves buildability and accelerates onsite progress.

Traditional 'Construction' using people to fabricate buildings onsite using hand tools has reached its limit of productivity. If we are to build faster, cheaper, better we need to follow the manufacturing industry to a 'Production' mindset.

There is a lot of talk about Offsite Manufacturing (OSM) in New Zealand as building 'Offsite' is an important part of the move from Construction to Production. The key dependency for making OSM work, and something that is less talked about, is the process of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA). Without adopting DfMA to resolve the details of integrating OSM components, the advantages of improved productivity through gained program efficiencies, higher quality, and a better sustainability (through reduction in waste) are much harder to achieve. Because of this the pathway from Construction to Production is littered with numerous examples of failed projects.

At Preformance we are experienced at navigating the various design, manufacturing, assembly, transport and compliance risks that are essential to achieve success.

Unified Digital First Approach to DfMA

Df MA Diagram

Performance has practical experience across multiple projects of integrating Offsite Manufactured Components into traditional designs and at leading the design of fully modular buildings.

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We use a Design of Manufacture and Assemble (DfMA) loop within the traditional design process to resolve the manufacturing, transport and assembly methodology during the design phase in an iterative manner. Using digital models, we identify and resolve issues and then support this by prototyping and testing where required to achieve compliance approvals in advance of components hitting the manufacturing line.
To lead this process, we have qualified architectural and engineering specialists who have DfMA experience and have a strong understanding of the compliance pathways required to make these projects successful.

The Preformance Design for Manufacture Service can unlock the benefits of OSM for your project. Key team members are:

Heath Turnbull Technical Director Cropped
Heath Turnbull

Technical Director

Lachlan Munro

Design Lead

Kat Nelson Design Manager
Kat Nelson

Design Manager

Egor Jivick Design Manager
Egor Jivick

Detailed Coordinator & Design Manager

Kishan Seger Technical Director
Kishan Seger

Technical Director

S82548 Image photoshop Max Labrierre V2
Max Labrierre

Off Site Manufacturing Technical Advisor

Isaac Holden Design Manager Cropped
Isaac Holden

Temporary Works and Construction Methodology Technical Advisor & Design Manager

Jon Sinclair Digital Services Director
Jonathan Sinclair

Digital Services Director

Project Highlights

One NZ Stadium - Te Kaha, Christchurch

A major project to build a fully covered stadium; using steel fabrication factory in China. The Preformance team members led the development of the assembly and temporary works strategy for the steel work.

  • Design Management of the assembly methodology and temporary works strategy.
  • Digital assembly of the offshore manufactured steel members followed by digital scanning for QA prior to transport and assembly.

Tupuarangi – University of Canterbury Student Accommodation

Targeting a very fast construction programme to hit a rigid opening deadline, Preformance worked with the client and Southbase Construction to develop a design using two key OSM components. The use of curtainwall façade panels allowed for efficient façade installation and to quickly get the building weather tight. Whereas the use of OSM bathroom pods significantly reduced the fitout programme and the risk of rework at the end of the project.

  • Design Management & consenting pathway of imported Unitised façade panels.
  • Design Management & consenting pathway of imported OSM bathroom pods
  • Detailed coordination and digital assembly of the OSM components
  • Seismic restraint of bathroom pods
  • Physical prototyping of the bathroom pods to support the compliance process

Te Aratai College Science Building – Ministry of Education

Design of a two level 16 teaching space science building for delivery within a 6 month construction window was made achievable by the use of a panelised facade panel. Preformance developed the design of the Flexi Panel OSM façade panel in close collaboration with Innofab. Prototyping and testing were undertaken to demonstrate compliance of the jointing and weather tightness details prior to manufacture. This panel provides the benefits of multilevel unitised façade solution at the low cost of a traditional rainscreen wall.

  • Design Management of a repeatable building layout suitable for panelising.
  • Development of the Flexi Panel – an OSM façade panel to remove the need for scaffolding and expediating the installation process.
  • We used the DfMA process including prototyping for weather tightness testing and proof of concept of the assembly methodology.

Mine site worker accommodation & office facilities - Confidential client

This project solves the challenge of two different building life spans required for different buildings on the site by using two different OSM supplier solutions. Preformance worked with a volumetric building supplier for the temporary accommodation buildings and with a separate supplier who uses a panelised solution for the more permanent office facilities and industrial buildings. In each case Preformance filled the capability gaps of each contactor, and wrapping the whole process with Design Management, Project Management and Cost estimation services.

  • Preparation of function brief for building requirements
  • Masterplan of site and concept design for individual buildings to support resource consent process
  • Engagement with various OSM manufacturers to establish construction & installation methodology, programme
  • Construction Methodology, Programming and Cost estimation for business case purposes

Short Term Roll Growth (multiple school sites) – Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education needed to deliver 46 teaching spaces across 10 schools from master planning to handover within 6 months. Performance provided design management, design and DfMA support for the delivery of OSM teaching spaces across multiple sites.

  • Resolution of the masterplan design with school stakeholders
  • Coordination of the OSM modular delivery method with the foundations to ensure safe and smooth landing of the buildings
  • Management of all council consents & approvals
  • Structural design of the foundations for the modular buildings
  • Design of decks and canopies for connection to modular buildings

Find out how Preformance delivers value throughout the project lifecycle.